1/2 Way Baby Update

IMG_8601IMG_8576 IMG_8568 IMG_8619 IMG_8571 IMG_8595Today, I want to share a little on how I'm doing with my pregnancy. I'm about half way there now! I remember how in shock I was when I first found out. Heck, I still can’t really believe that I'm pregnant. At this point, I still don't really 'feel' pregnant. It's still up for debate rather this is my normal stomach without sucking in or if it's a baby bump, lol?! My only reminder is everyone asking how I'm feeling, the occasional nausea... annnd that time I almost passed during our announcement photos because I hadn't eaten all day. Honestly it's taken me a little while to adapt to my new lifestyle but I can truly say that I have been enjoying and living in the moment with my little bundle of joy lately.I'm past the morning sickness! Also past the whole certain foods and smells grossing me out thing. It was breaking my heart that I couldn't stand the smell of coffee. Thankfully, my caffeine love affair has been restored (moderately). Sleep is the only real issue now. This stomach is getting awkward in the bed.I haven't been eating a whole lot but I have been eating a lot of certain things. Things like Tacos and Spaghetti -- both of which I never really ate before. I honestly don't even know how to make spaghetti... but I can make some bomb tacos! Hooray for Taco Tuesday! I posted about my new Taco Bell obsession on my Babicurve page on IG and someone commented that I have a spicy diva on my hands (hilarious). Well, I don't know about the spicy part but I do want a little girl (please, Jesus)! We should find out the gender on June 1st!!Things I've accomplished so far:

  • I got a doula. She's really nice and should be very helpful. See here for more info.
  • I got a house. By 3-story townhouse. Hello 1-level with pool! Moving in next month!
  • I got a location for the gender reveal. Cute patio for a small brunch and reveal.
Well that's pretty much it! I'd love for you guys to comment and share your experiences or suggestions. Thanks for reading and following our journey!Outfit Details:[showshopthepostwidget id="1616040"]


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