3 Ways to Make Monday Feel Like Friday

IMG_2692IMG_2706 IMG_2708 IMG_2640So I don't really hate Monday's but I don't totally love them either! I just thought this Charlotte Russe+ t-shirt was just too cute to pass up! It also gave me an opportunity to share 3 Ways to Make Mondays Feel Like Friday!  Here we go:Look Cute A great outfit can change everything!  Looking good boosts your confidence and your attitude. Even throwing on a pair of fun earrings can make you feel like, "I'm ready for Monday"!Treat Yo'selfHaving something to look forward to makes getting out of bed on Monday a whole lot easier. There’s no rule that says all of your fun has to be saved for weekends! A simple stop at Starbucks always does it for me. It's the little things, right?!Pay it ForwardMake someone's day!  Whether it means listening intently to a co-workers totally uninteresting weekend stories or simply bringing an extra donut for your cubicle neighbor. Random acts of kindness are the best!

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