5 Things I Want To Do Before Summer Ends

Can you believe that Labor Day is days away? Yeah, me neither.Even though I’ve had a pretty eventful spring/summer (hello collection), I’m looking forward to (hopefully) slowing down and spending time with friends and family over the end of summer/fall. Here's what I plan to do with my last few summer days. I'm writing these types of lists out and making them public on the blog, I feel a bit more accountable and motivated to achieve my goals, even though some are silly.Since I already travel a lot, this isn’t going to be your typical  list: I have some ridiculous and some more  self-improvement-ish ideas below.

  • Rent a Boat on Lake Catherine - I think this is a southern thing but it is so fun! I'm hoping we can do this on Labor Day.
  • Eat a Popeye's Chicken Sandwich - I've waited in two different lines and have been unsuccessful. On the other hand Mike has had it more than once.
  • Clean Out My Garage - I don't see this happening anytime soon but a girl can dream.
  • Save Money -  We have a huge tax bill coming. Say a prayer lol.
  • Squeeze in One More Trip - I've been trying to convince Mike we need one last horrah but realistically I don't think it's going to work with NY Fashion Week coming up. 
I'm pretty much talking myself out of everything I want to do but I should be able to knock one or two things off this list. Let me know what you want to do with your last few days as well.Happy End of Summer!

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