5 Ways to Kick Stress in The Butt -- With a Newborn In Your Arm

img_0027Having a newborn is something that I was not ready for. Everyone says that it's "hard" but you'll love it. Hard was a total understatement. Having a newborn is a lot of things (including a million wonderful things) but it's freaking stressful a lot of the times.  I've found that it's so important to get rid of anything or anyone in your life that adds to your stress and I've also learned to take measures to keep stress down. So, here are 5 ways to kick stress in the butt postpartom.1. Get MovingIt's hard to start exercising with a newborn but every little bit helps. Just getting fresh air every day will help you and baby by just changing your environment. Walking will help your body recuperate and the air is good for the baby... definitely better than being in a enclosed place, like a mall.2. Set Visiting HoursThis is a hard one but limit your visitors. Everyone is going to want to come and see the new baby. It's a wonderful feeling to know that so many people love your baby but if having a lot of visitors is going to stress you out, limit the amount of visits/visitors and the time people spend at your house. It's hard to get into a routine with your baby when people are stopping by at unknown times. Try having "visiting hours" that way you can be prepared and adjust you and baby's schedule accordingly.3. Embrace Home LifeSpend the first week at home with baby... just you and your little family.  This helps with bonding and will establish a routine. There are so many things to learn and there is some adjusting that needs to be done and it helps if you just have some time to figure it all out... especially without all the comments from the peanut gallery.4. Have a Date NightCreate a time that you and your boo can still enjoy each other at home. Rent a movie and order pizza and spend some quality time together. Of course it's a different kind of date night but it's the little things that will keep your sanity.5. Get Some RescueSometimes you need a little pick me up and this would be a good time to try a natural stress reliever. Rescue comes in a variety of forms and can help take the edge off.  It's non habit forming, alcohol free and are safe for children and animals. The Pastille's and The Rescue Remedy Spray are great on the go... or when those visitors come over unannounced, lol. Find out where Rescue is sold near you here.*This post is sponsored by Bach Rescue. img_5645img_5788


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