7 Clever Ways to Make Your High Heels More Comfortable

IMG_7620IMG_3250 Let's face it: There is no comfortable way to wear a five-inch stiletto for eight hours straight. But with the proper prep and the right pair of heels, it's totally possible to make it through the day unscathed and blissfully blister-free. Read on for a few pro tips for surviving a full day in your favorite towering pumps, sandals or boots!Go for quality. Generally speaking, higher-quality shoes provide more support and a better fit. The saying "You get what your pay for" totally applies here.Invest in proper foot pads or inserts. I recommend Foot Petals; they've helped me survive hours of standing at a party in heels.Buy your size—and when in doubt, size up. Wearing heels that are too big or too small can dramatically increase your misery level as the day wears on—though too-tight shoes are arguably the worse option. Don't be afraid to go up in size until the shoe fits. No matter how cute those patent pumps look in the store, you'll hate yourself for buying them if they wind up squeezing your feet.Warm up before wearing heels. Standing in a five-inch heel for hours at a time is a real workout! Make sure your muscles are prepped beforehand by walking around on your tiptoes while getting ready. Hamstring stretches and ankle rotations can also help prepare your legs for what's coming.Invest in a good numbing cream. Sounds crazy, but it works! Rub a topical numbing like Aspercreme  all over your feet five to ten minutes before putting your heels on. Keep the tube in your bag, too, just in case you need a second application later in the evening.Always carry Band-Aids. You never know when a blister might strike—and bandages go a long way, especially when you're breaking in new shoes.Pack foldable flats. When all else fails, it never hurts to have some comfy shoes on hand as a backup. Lately everyone has been raving about Tieks so this would be a good time to give them a try or these which come with their own carrying case.What's your favorite trick for surviving a day in heels? I want to know!Story by Rochelle Johnson -- originally for TheOutfit.com


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