Creed Michael - 9 Month Update
When they say that they grow up fast, they aren't lying! I feel like I don't have a baby anymore... he's a adult trapped in a tiny baby body.
Creed is a very inquinsitive baby. He is always looking for things to play with or get into, including my bra straps and flip flops. I cringe when they start to go towards his mouth. But then again that's where everything ends up these days.
He has the cutest two front teeth. Those things are like little razors and he always wants to put YOUR finger in HIS mouth.
He's not sleeping in our bed anymore (hallelujah) but he is still in our room. His dad is having a hard time letting go, lol. He sleeps in his playpen right in front of our bed. I call that his home because he spends a lot of time in there.

His favorite toy is his elephant, they are the same size. I have a feeling he's going to be trying to carry that thing everywhere when he gets older. He sleeps with it, he plays with it. He fights with it. He tries to pull the strings off of the tail. We really just need to get him a puppy. Maybe for his first birthday.
He loves to eat chicken and the little baby blend pouches. We try to keep him on an all natural diet. His grandpa is sneaking a few unapproved items in. Overall we make sure he's eating actual food. He still takes formula at least 3 times a day as well.

He has a little eczema so we have to be really careful what we use on his skin (I'm going to do a post on that). I found that using all natural products on him has worked best. I make my own whip as a moisturizer and it's amazing (we all use it). It has coconut oil, jojoba oil, and shea butter. You can also add a scented oil to it for fragrance. It's super easy to make.
Creed started crawling at 8 months. Now he can get around pretty good. He really wants to get up and walk around. We just have to watch him to make sure he's not eating things on the floor or one of my Louis Vuittons. We try to keep the floor clean but you know how that is. Babies can find anything to put in their mouth.
Creed is loved by so many people. They call him the "church baby" because everyone at church thinks that he is their baby. We are happy to share him and he will gladly go with (almost) anyone that will hold him. He weighs a ton so mama can def use a break (I can only hold him for 10 minutes max).

*Shirt by Old Navy from resale shop: ThredUp