Daddy Duty with Pampers

Father’s Day is tomorrow and I’m so grateful for my baby daddy, Mike! He’s the best father but this wasn’t necessarily the case in the beginning. Before Creed came, Mike always talked about how he was going to do everything from: diapers to baths, to feedings to bedtime stories. He talked a lot of big talk, but when Creed came he was all of a sudden so “unsure” of what to do (lol), most of the time leaving me to figure it out.

Of course, this was source of frustration for me as a new mom.  Well, we talked about it all and I’m so glad that he is MUCH IMPROVED (#1 dad status) and even better at some things than I am! Like Mike, many dads find themselves in a similar situation.  No knowing how to be and what to do as a new dad. Here are some ways to keep dad involved with the baby!
Talk to HimThings that moms get naturally don’t necessarily come innately to guys! So, tell him about the diapers, naps, etc. of the day.  Share goals you are trying to accomplish with your baby. I recently even bought us a couple books to read on parenting that we are both informed and there wouldn’t be as much “nagging” and correction on my part. If you want help, you guys will need to be on the same page.
Support HimRemind him why he’s is doing what he is doing and that he’s doing a great job. Not everything has to be perfect. Oftentimes I let him figure things out on his own, just like I did. That way I’m not constantly correcting.  I get tired of hearing my own voice at times.  You may need to correct him at times but don’t make it seem like everything has to be done your way! Babies are resilient!
 Leave Him Alone 
As a nuturer moms are always wanting to make sure things are fine. Dad's need that alone time with the baby too. Whether that's  making dinner, watching TV, or changing diapers, don't always find yourself looking over his shoulder...watching his every move. Go take a bath or watch a show, girl! I welcome any little break I can get.
Another thing that has made our routine easier has been finding brands for Creed that we both love. We have been fans of Pampers since day one and wouldn’t change (no pun intended) for anything.  We are both sticklers when it comes to the brands and products we use for Creed. Only the best for him.
This post is sponsored by my friends at Pamper.  Of course, all opinions are my own.


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