Four Reasons to Wear Whatever you Want!

So I debated posting this dress because it sold out like right after I bought it. I know how much my readers want to buy stuff that I style and I felt like a dress post in a sold out dress would just be piss people off (lol).
Later I had the realization that a lot of my readers follow me not only for details on what's hot but because they are inspired by how I wear my clothes and how I pretty much whatever I want and manage to look good in it.
Beauty and fashion standards are in the past. I've said this a million times and I know I'm preaching to the choir (most likely) but "How much you weigh shouldn’t determine what you wear"!! You can look amazing regardless of your size so wear whatever you want, because as long as you feel confident, you’ll look good!
So today I'm sharing this dress (and a few other fringe faves) and 4 REASONS TO WEAR WHATEVER THE HECK YOU WANT!
You got one life. Live it up in clothes that make you look and feel fabulous. Stop caring what people think.
2. CLOTHES ARE FUNI love getting dressed! You need to be able to enjoy your wardrobe and express your personality with fashion.
3. IT’S LIBERATINGIt's freeing to wear things that people don’t expect, don’t approve of, or say that I can’t. Try it — you just might love it.
I love being stopped by another big girl that's in love with what I have on. You never know who you're inspiring just by wearing what you want to wear.
Dress: Eloquii | White Top: ASOS (old) | Yellow Pumps: YSL (similar) | Bag: YSL
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