Luxurious Skin on a Drugstore Budget - Best Anti Wrinkle Cream
Ever since I turned 30 I started trying to step up my beauty routine. I would highly suggest that you start a beauty routine before 30 but it's better late than never. Your skin is
the first thing that someone sees and you should take care of it as much as possible. Since I started really taking care of my skin I've really been into trying new products and paying attention to the effects that they have on my skin. Since I was a teenager I have used drugstore products but recently I started mixing high end beauty products into my
regimen. You would assume that you need the "good" stuff as you age, right? So like many of you I've tried some popular skin remedies and some of which cost me a lot of money with little result. I've seen creams as much as $100 per ounce!! So how much is your face worth?! You can't really put a price tag on it but there's no use in spending a fortune when you can get same or even better results with a cream found at your local drugstore.
Olay is a worldwide leader in skin care and has been trusted by women for over 60 years. Last month, I briefly shared with you my discovery and love for a new product that Olay came out with – the Olay Daily Facials but recently, I got a chance to try out another one of their products called Olay Regenerist Micro Scultping Cream which is an anti-aging moisturizer and plumping powerhouse; hydration is one of the key benefits for younger women seeking preventative anti-aging measures.

When I opened the Micro Sculpting Cream for the first time I instantly fell in love with the scent. It literally smelled and felt like silk (if silk had a scent). I have never used a cream on my face that felt so silky. I was so impressed when I could feel and see results after just one week. My skin felt softer and more supple. I feel like my skin got a shot of hydration.
I could literally feel then moisture difference after just one day. It's also nice to know that it's working to minimize those fine lines. Never too early to combat those!
A recent study by scientists at the Good Housekeeping Institute where Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Cream was the subject proved this $20-something dollar drug store cream outperformed 10 top prestige brands, including one with a $440 price tag!