Off the Shoulder Look - Number 15

IMG_6636IMG_6640 IMG_6624 IMG_6653 IMG_6617I debated long and hard about posting this outfit, guys! I have somehow posted off-the- shoulder looks like every week and we're not even into the summer! Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that this is my personal style blog after all. So, if this is what I'm drawn to right now, I should post it, right?This little dress I picked up a while back with a gift card that I had to Macy's. I won't be able to wear it much longer because my preggo belly is growing fast and it was a little snug a few weeks back. It will likely be in my closet sale (sad face). I will announce the sale date soon. Stay turned!*Don't think this dress is available anymore but I've linked some similar styles below.[showshopthepostwidget id="1607532"]


Summer Essentials with StyleWatch

