Oh Baby

IMG_7514IMG_3029 IMG_1865 IMG_3033 IMG_3035IMG_2012I'm gonna be somebody's mom, y'all! This year has proven to be soooo life changing! I'm becoming a mommy, turning 30, looking for a larger home, selling our current home, working full-time and blogging like crazy too!I'm like 15 weeks now. Due around October 7th... I think. I thought I was due later but when the Dr. measured "Babicurve" she/he was bigger than we thought.I haven't had many symptoms except extreme fatigue and nausea. I've been drinking Sprite like it's nobody's business. I'm not one to take naps but my nap game has been strong lately. The only time I felt really sick was while on a boat in Jamaica shooting with Catherine's. My poor blogger boos had to listen to me barf on the side of the boat for the entire ride, lol.Honestly before I got knocked-up I wasn't that interested in anything baby related but oh how the tables have turned. I'm not quite obsessed yet but I have been doing my fair share of research.  For those of you that don't know me, I'm a serious researcher.  I've been finding new things everyday and my poor husband is getting scared. Get ready, Sweetie. This is your fault after all!So I'm excited about planning showers, future birthday parties, other parties just for the sake of having parties and of course all the micro fashion. Also, I will still come through with my plus "fashions" lol! I'm going to dress this bump! So no worries in that department.We will have a gender reveal party next month so I'll def keep y'all posted.  Also, If you have any  website or product suggestions please let me know. I'll get to researching, lol.*Special thanks to Niguel Valley for these amazing captures! Only us and the Lord know the struggle those balloons were! You're the best!


Spring Statements


The Perfect Casual Look