Old Faithful

img_3260img_3221 img_3236 img_3250 img_3252img_3265Y'all ever get that one piece of clothing that you can't stop wearing? This green Who What Wear jacket/vest has really been my ride or die for the last few months. If you are ever around me, chances are you've seen me in this thing!I don't know about you but I like to try and find new and fun ways to wear my favorite pieces. It pretty much goes with everything but it can take on a new life with every wear if you know how to switch it up.Today I wore it with a stretch pencil skirt from ASOS and a denim top that I couldn't get to button all the way down (when in doubt, tie it out). This look is great for now and will work well into the fall.This particular could has been sold out for a while but they did a new version and it's linked below.What items in your closet are you wearing like every other day?[showshopthepostwidget id="1918984"]


Certain Girls Deserve Lots of Flowers


Old Navy Style - Arkansas