Plus Size Maternity Shoot
Hey Guys, I'm so excited for this post! In honor of being just a few days away from my due date, I’m sharing some maternity photos! I’m SO so happy with how the photos came out – I want to frame every single one! I'm also happy that everyone I used for this shoot were all women! Designer, photographer, and hair/makeup t are all women!
This pregnancy has been so different from the last in so many ways. I am much more at ease and settled... definitely not as nervous as I was the first time around. I was so scared of the unknown and felt completely lost about how to be a mother. Honestly, there is nothing that can prepare you for being a first time mom but somehow everything works out. You just figure it out. Its definitely not easy, but it's worth it! After having Creed, I have realized the saying is true, you have everything inside of you to handle anything that comes your way.
- Photography: @sarahoden
- Makeup & Hair : @jivory
- Location: Marlsgate Plantation
Isa Dress - rachelpallySequin Dress - Zelie For ShePink Tulle Dress - @shopoyemwen[showshopthepostwidget id="4373227"]