So by now you've seen insta posts and heard about my trip to Provence, France with L'OCCITANE! It was a total dream to be in the beautiful place the brand started! I've been itching to share with you guys! Also at the end of this very long post is a giveaway... it's a reward for getting to the end, lol.Well I about died when I got the email from L'OCCITANE about the trip. I was so nervous to get excited because often times these things fizzle out of get cut for a number of reasons! Well, obvi things panned out and the rest is straight out of a fairytale that goes like this...
We arrived in Paris after a layover and 8hr flight from Atlanta -- then from Paris to Provence! After a not so short ride from the airport we arrived at the most magical hotel, (Hotel Couvent des Minimes), surrounded by lush gardens, lavender fields and the most beautiful architecture. The aromas and scenery in Provence were nothing short of breath-taking.

We had a quick meet and greet lunch, followed by an outfit change for cocktails and dinner! I was so happy to be getting to know the L'OCCITANE team and the other bloggers, With Love From Kat, Pretty Little Fawn, ForTheLove.Blog and Extra Petite.
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Dress (similar)/ Shoes
The next day we woke early for a hot air balloon ride! Who does that?! I was so excited! I had always wanted to do this but I never thought it would happen. My husband on the other hand was just a bit terrified but we're alive. He was like " get ALL the pics you want cause this will never happen again"! Such a beautiful, surprisingly peaceful experience. If you have the opportunity, do it!

After breakfast and a quick outfit change we were off to the lavender fields! This was one of the things I was more excited about. I searched for images of Lavender fields and I was hoping for the day I would be able to experience it for myself. It looked so dreamy. Let me tell you, it was everything I imagined and more. The strong yet subtle smell of lavender, the color, and being able to feel the essence of Provence. It was magical. What I did not expect were the BEES! Bees love lavender and they were literally everywhere. When the lavender expert told us that the bees were too busy with the lavendar to bother us, I had to put my big girl panties on and walk into the field. I'm so glad I listened. One of the best experiences in my life.

Dress / Shirt / Hat
After the fields we had lunch at the lovely Villa Saint Marc in Forcalquier! I was the cutest Villa and the best lunch. They served these toasted pesto sandwiches! I could have had 2 or 3 or 5! Amaze!

Dress / Bag (similar)
We were privileged to be able to take a tour of the L'OCCITANE factory. We heard about all the exciting innovations L'OCCITANE makes in the beauty industry. I was amazed at the process and how thorough and intentional they are about the kinds of products they produce. Also how their products are manufactured, their environmental commitments and sustainable ingredients. Mind was blown. Anyway, we wore safety goggles and lab coats, I'll spare you the visual.

The day continued to be magical as we drove up to a charming provincal home for dinner. It was everything you imagine a french country style home would look like. The yard was so expansive, it seemed to never end. Oh, and there were chickens roaming along with a few cats. At this dinner we have the once in a lifetime experience of hearing from and dining with L'OCCITANE founder, Olivier Baussan. Olivier spoke about how he started the company in a small soap factory that was given to him. As the company grew to be one of the leading luxury beauty brands, they never outgrew they values. Olivier spoke about the shea butter collective that employs women in Burkina Faso and also provides education for the women so they can start their own businesses. This is one example of what this brand is about. If you met Olivier you would feel the love, kindness, and humility he exudes and it continues to flow through the brand. Then we dined al fresco underneath the stars.

Dress / Shoes / Bag (similar) / Belt

The next morning we visited the terraced gardens and witnessed traditional distillation with the cutest and most sassy L'OCCITANE plant expert, Tachka! What a beautiful way to start the day. The scenery was literal french country goals!

Next up we had a skincare diagnostic with Lucy Primrose from L'OCCITANE US! I learned sooo much about my skin and how to care for it. I have never had a extensive skincare discussion that was specific to my skin. So of course now I feel like Im a expert, lol. Was also gifted some amazing L'Occitane skincare products.From the skincare workshop to lunch at Les Petites Tables which is also the olive tree eco-museum (the original L'OCCITANE factory). I made sure to buy some goodies to take back home. I got two different olive spreads. Olivier made another appearance here. We found out it was his birthday. Of course we sang to him.

Top / Skirt/ Hat /Shoes/ Sunglasses / Bag (similar)
Next was the moment we'd all been waiting for -- back the hotel for an afternoon of pampering at the L'OCCITANE spa!! Can you say 90 minutes of heavenLastly we worked with an amazing photographer, Loic Legros and we each had a mini session during the golden hour right before our last dinner.

The final dinner was on the terrace of the hotel. We were joined by L'OCCITANE's quality director, Benedicte Le Bris. We shared with her some ideas for our dream L'OCCITANE products! Hopefully my idea will make the cut and be name after me... dream big (lol)! Anyway what a whirlwind of amazingness! I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. Plotting my return.

One lucky reader will win $200 worth of my favorite L'OCCITANE products. Simply subscribe to my newsletter and comment "done" below. I'll pick a winner on 8/6. Good Luck!!
This post is sponsored by L'OCCITANE. All opinions are my own.
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