Blush Blazer & Black Jeans

Hey Guys! I'm back from spring break. I was in Atlanta for a Women's Retreat that my mother in law hosted. So much fun! Anyway, I meant to get this post up before I left, but life.So anyway you guys know that I love a good blazer. I already had a blush blazer but it's really modern and it's actually cropped.

Blazer | Similar Jeans | Tee

I've been wanting more of a long more versatile style blush blazer and finally it appeared. I picked this one up form my local Lane Bryant. I will probably  wear it a million different ways but these shredded hem Ashley Stewart jeans and Charlotte Russe+ tee did the trick this time. The elephant in the room of course is my Chanel bag! I've been wanting this style Chanel for years now and we finally pulled the trigger. This is my push present and anniversary gift all wrapped up in one. Dreams do come true, guys (lol)!

Shop the LookBlazer | Similar Jeans | Tee

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