Celebrating 6 Years of Style

Whoa, It has been 6 years since I started this journey! Boy has this been a ride. When I started in 2013 I never knew 0r even imagined that I would be where I am today. I honestly thought I was just showing plus size women where to get cool clothes. I never thought I would be impacting lives (it sounds so weird to say) but with all humility, that's what my blog has done. The messages I get from women all over the world is humbling and brings me to tears. I feel like I have been crying for the last couple months (big things coming... sign up for the newsletter to be in the loop!)To culminate the last 6 years, I want to share 6 things I've learned from blogging.

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  1. Hard work pays off - There is no fast track to becoming successful in this game. It really does take hard work and a lot of time.
  2. Comparison is the thief of joy  - It sounds cliche and you hear it all the time but comparison will set you back... big time! It's so hard to not be affected by what we see on social media, especially when social media is your job!  As someone who creates content for social media I have to break it to you that everything is not as it appears. Don't compare your work, your family, or your value to anyone else's life. Don't get sucked in.
  3. Enjoy the ride - I think it's so important to set goals and to have a vision. I truly believe in the power of the vision board! I also believe that you shouldn't limit yourself to what you planned or envisioned for yourself. Give yourself room to go with the flow. It has worked for me
  4. Consistency is Key - thats all I have to say about that!
  5. Know your worth - while staying humble. I've been hearing this phrase a lot lately and when I read the context of the conversation I'm like "you're not there yet, boo!"  There are a lot of us out here in the blogosphere just like every other field. Don't get taken advantage of but at the same time don't think so highly of yourself that your bougieness makes you miss an opportunity. Find a happy medium.
  6. Those who matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter. - I'm sooo grateful for those that support me in silence and loudly. Some of my family member and friends and my husband esp are so proud of me and tell ev-ery-one about what I'm doing in my space.  There are also some who support more quietly and I'm grateful for them also! For those who watch every move but don't follow or support, I see you too :) I love all y'all.
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