Why I'm Now Sleeping Like a Newborn Baby

I recently shared on Instagram that my current mattress was giving us the blues. I'll give you a little backstory on our mattress.We picked out the mattress when I was pregnant which wasn't the best idea. At the moment I wanted something soft. There was a mattress that was gel foam and it felt amazing (at the time) and I wouldn't take a no. Of course when you're pregnant you get whatever you want! 3 years later, I definitely regret that decision. The salesperson told us that after sleeping on the mattress it would have pretty noticeable indention. Where is the lie? It was more like the mattress was sinking on each side and was raised in the middle. Does that sound like a mess because it was! We started waking up in literal pain! It was absolutely the worst! I never wanted to lay or sleep in that bed, which is a problem! I started researching mattresses and so many people said to try Big Fig.Big Fig is a mattress specifically designed to support larger individuals. I guess you could say it's a plus size  friendly mattress. All of the problems with my previous mattress, the Big Fig mattress addresses. This mattress retains it 's shape, prevents sagging, has a lot of support, extra firm foam (you can actually sit on the edge of the bd) , thermo-gel to keep you cool,  and Big Fig has the strongest box frame! Oh, did I mention a 20 year warranty!After the white-glove delivery we couldn't wait to try out our new mattress. I heard from a couple people that it's pretty firm and I might need a mattress pad. Let me tell you, I had no problem with the firmness. It was refreshing to sleep on a firm bed as opposed to our soft old one. Mike on the other hand wanted to add a mattress pad to add a little plush-ness (if that's a word, lol). I obliged and purchased this mattress pad which is freaking heavenly! We have it in our guest room also and no lie, every single person that has slept in our guest room asks me for the link to the mattress pad. It's that good! Honestly combined with the Big Fig mattress, it's a dream!  Better than any bed Ive ever slept in! Creed loves it also! Sometimes he just climbs in our bed and just lies there and he has NEVER done that before!If you've been thinking about a new mattress  or if you've been waking up with pain, you probably need this mattress.  It's one of the things you don't want to spend the money on but a good nights rest is life changing! #adulting.  


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