I'm getting the hang of this food blogging thing! Not really, but I'm trying! It doesn't hurt that I have the most amazing kitchen to do this all in. Besides cooking in this kitchen, I love being able to show off my beautiful Cafe Appliances! You guys will not believe how much I'm enjoying them. Like what was I doing before.So, with the 4th of July coming up I have an excuse to show you guys a really cute dessert that would be so great for the festivities. Honestly when I found this recipe on Pinterest I thought, "this is so easy! However, we can just classify this under #PinterestFail. Well it wasn't a total fail because I know where I went wrong. I will definitely let you know what I wish I would've known before I started.Here is the recipe I used:Start by making the cookies.To make the cookies:
- 1 box white cake mix
- 3 egg whites
- 1/2 cup vegetable oil
- Red and blue food coloring (do not use organic food coloring)
Preheat oven to 350 - not to be braggadocios but I did this on my iPhone via the Cafe app (lol)Mix all ingredients (except the food coloring) and separate into 2 bowls.In each bowl, mix the food coloring. You want the cookies to have a deep, rich color so the more the better –
If you’re using gel colors you’ll probably need less.Scoop onto cookie sheets and bake for about 8 minutes. YOU DO NOT WANT THESE TO BROWN!!! My timer on my
Cafe oven saves me every time.Let your cookies cool!
To make the Patriotic Ice Cream Sandwiches:Ice cream of your choicePatriotic sprinklesMake sure your cookies are completely cool. If you’re in a hurry pop them into the freezer for a couple minutes. My
Cafe fridge has a very convenient drawer that I dropped mine right in for this. If they do not cool completely they will cause the ice cream to melt.Scoop ice cream between two completely cool cookies. Once you’ve made a sandwich, Roll it in the sprinkles and place back in the freezer until you’re ready to enjoy!
