Japanese Skin Care Secrets with DHC

Let's talk skincare, Guys! So, DHC may be a brand that you may not have heard of when it comes to skincare. DHC stands for “Daigaku Honyaku Center".  Although you may not have heard of it, DHC is now one of Japan’s top skincare companies.  They sell one cleansing oil every 10 seconds worldwide? Crazy right? They're clearly on to something!

I have tried DHC in the past but only in sample form because it was it a bit pricey in my mind . Now that I'm a little more educated on the importance of proper skincare, I feel that DHC products are worth every single dime!
These are the two products that I'm discussing today:
Deep Cleansing Oil works on the scientific premise that “like attracts like.” Applied with dry hands on your dry face, this olive oil cleanser binds with waterproof mascara, sunscreen, makeup and daily grime, rinsing off easily in warm water with zero residue. It's like magic, guys! Really.The Face Wash - Removes impurities while maintaining skin’s defenses against irritants. Ideal for sensitive or dry skin types, this liquid cleanser has a pH balance like that of your own complexion. It's also fragrance free which is a definite plus for me.
Wherever you are on your skincare journey DHC should def be on your radar. They are kinda my jam right now. To find out more about DHC's philosophy go here: Beauty Philosophy. To shop: Get my stuff.
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