Dress Love Fest - 2 Looks

IMG_9864IMG_9784IMG_9793 IMG_9797 IMG_9832 IMG_9873IMG_9762IMG_9740IMG_9736IMG_9770IMG_9728Holla!! So I kind of fell in love with the contents in my Gwynnie Bee shipment and decided to post multiple looks in one post! Ok, yes I picked these pieces out but never expected them to be SO FAB in person. That's the beauty of Gwynnie Bee's unique service. Gwynnie Bee is an online women’s clothing subscription/rental service for sizes 10-32. Great for fashionistas and bloggers alike.

It's the only place you can :
  • Explore top brands and new styles then add them to your online closet.
  • Get the latest trends delivered to your door and rock them as many times as you like.
  • Wear & return or wear & buy it for less than retail price.
Red and Pink Dress by: Citi Chic via Gwynnie BeeBlue and White Dress by: Alice & You via Gwynnie Bee
You can sign up for Gwynnie Bee here and get your first 30 days free! Trust me, you'll love it <3


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